How is the exchange rates and the price?

We will give the most competitive exchange rates according to the market price to ensure that you get the maximum benefit. Please contact us on WhatsApp for the latest exchange rates and prices.

Do SweetCards sell cards?

No, we don't sell gift cards, we only buy.

How to sell gift cards?

We are willing to pay a premium for your gift card. Please click Get Started button to enter Whatsapp, our staff will tell you the exchange rates and price of you gift card, you send the gift card information or picture to our staff, and after verification, we will pay you Naira by bank transfer.

How to contact you to sell gift card?

Please click Get Started or Sell Now button to contact with us. We are 24/7 online always waiting for you to inquire and sell gift cards, our customer service will provide fast and considerate service.

What to do if there is a bank maintenance?

We cannot avoid bank maintenance. If there is bank maintenance, payment may be delayed. We will transfer money to you as soon as it is restored and notify you in time.

Where is your company?

We are based in China, our company is located in Jiangxi, please see more information on the About us page.

What to do if there is a network failure while transacting?

Please continue to contact the WhatsApp account that contacted you before. If there is no reply within 24 hours, please refresh the page and click the contact button again. Exchange rates may change.

What kinds of gift cards do you buy?

We buy Steam, iTunes, Google Play, eBay, Razer Gold, Xbox, Amazon, Walmart, Vanilla, American Express, Sephora, Nordstrom, etc with high rates.

What are your working hours?

We are online 24 hours a day and look forward to trading gift cards with you at anytime.

How long does it take to load a gift card?

For iTunes, Amazon, steam and Google etc. fast loading is about 2 minutes while other cards slow loading takes 20-40 mins to process. Please wait patiently for customer service during card loading, and do not share the card with others.